
God’s first move: Come out from men’s teachings


  • God told Abraham to leave his country, relatives, and father’s household. Abraham obeyed by going out, not knowing where he was going. He was alone with God and His spoken Word.
  • At the first Passover, God called Israel out of slavery and captivity in Egypt. They went out into the wilderness and were alone with God and His spoken Word. Later they also had His written Word, after He commanded Moses to write.


  • God called all of Judea out from their synagogues and even the temple in Jerusalem. They came out into the wilderness to hear His Word spoken first through John the Baptist, and later through Jesus, the Word who was sent by the Father. His name is called the Word of God.


  • God gave His written Word compiled, printed, and sent out by the billions to all nations. In His printed Word, He forewarned of the organized church, which was turned over to the evil one after the apostles died. People must overcome the churches. Come out from their midst and be separate. Many have come in the name of Jesus Christ and misled many. Things went from bad to worse, until all was “leavened.”

Jesus, Paul, John, Peter, and Jude all warned what would come in to the church. Why are you surprised when Revelation chapters 2 and 3 tell you to overcome all churches?

God’s first move is to bring people out.
– Forget what the world is saying about God.
– Forget what your country is saying about God.
– Forget what your family and relatives are saying about God.
– Forget what synagogues, churches, and religions are saying about God.

Go only with what God says and teaches about Himself. Be alone with Him in His Word, the 66 books of the Bible, and find out the truth from Him, alone. Read Moses and the Prophets first. In time, these may lead you to the New Testament. For both Old and New, they need to be taught by the Father and Son, not men. Come out and be alone with God in His Word, unhindered. He is the One Author and One Teacher of the Book/Gospel He sent out to all nations.

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