The Father is Spirit.
He is greater.
He was first.
How do you know what the Spirit is doing?
How do you explain invisible air?
The Father revealed by His Word.
He wrote and gave the Law to Moses.
He then had Moses write five books for mankind to see and hear His Voice and promise.
He then sent His visible Son as the Word of God in Flesh.
The Son brought fulfillment of the Law and promise, along with His teaching, understanding, and Spiritual guidance of the Father’s Laws and promises.
With His death on the tree, His Spirit was given for all who would hear the Voice of the Father, understand with the Mind of the Son, and speak and do the Word of God by the power of the Spirit.
Jesus of Nazareth is the “anointed” Lord God of Israel, Son of the One and only God of Israel, in any form He chooses! You must go to Him only, and not man! Go to the living Word of God! There is only ONE GOD!
The Spirit of God is in His Word.
The Word of God comes out of His Spirit.
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