In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)
And the Word became flesh (John 1:14)
“For it is not an idle word for you; indeed it is your life.” (Deut. 32:47)
The Word, Jesus, is alive and active. He wants and needs to be your one and only Teacher. Don’t go to men, whose breath is in their nostrils. Don’t put men in between.
He wrote on the tablets, the 10 Commandments. (Exod 32:16)
He wrote on the wall. (Dan 5:5)
He wrote on the ground. (John 8:6,8)
He told men to write down His words in a book – Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Daniel, John, etc. (Exod 34:27; Isa 30:8; Jer 30:1, 36:2; Hab 2:2; Dan 12:4; Rev 1:11, 1:19, 14:13, 19:9, 21:5)
All 66 books of Scriptures came from Him by Spirit. (2Tim 3:16; 2Pet 1:20-21)
He is the Author and Perfecter. (Heb 12:2)
He must open the Book and teach people how to read it. (Isa 29:12-13)
He then had Moses write five books for mankind to see and hear His Voice and promise.
He then sent His visible Son as the Word of God in Flesh.
The Son brought fulfillment of the Law and promise, along with His teaching, understanding, and Spiritual guidance of the Father’s Laws and promises.
With His death on the tree, His Spirit was given for all who would hear the Voice of the Father, understand with the Mind of the Son, and speak and do the Word of God by the power of the Spirit.
Jesus of Nazareth is the “anointed” Lord God of Israel, Son of the One and only God of Israel, in any form He chooses! You must go to Him only, and not man! Go to the living Word of God! There is only ONE GOD!
The new covenant is simply that the Lord God is the Teacher, not men. The Lord Himself is going to teach.
Ezekiel 34:10, 15, 23 (note: David = the son of David, Jesus)
Matthew 23:8
Jeremiah 31:33-34 (note: Israel = Israel by the Spirit)
John 10:11, 16
Isaiah 30:20; 55:3
John 6:45
Matthew 17:5
Luke 24:45
The Old and New Covenant (66 books) is the Word of God in print by the tens of billions of copies. Although penned by men, the Bible was authored and perfected by the One and Only Lord God of Israel. Believe God, not men—go to Jesus only for teaching, revealing, and understanding. Do not go to men. He is alive and active. He alone can prove that the Father sent Him. “Listen to Him!”
God separated the light from the darkness. (Gen 1:4)
God separated the waters above from the waters below. (Gen 1:7)
God separated the seas from the dry land. (Gen 1:9)
God separated the day from the night. (Gen 1:14)
God separated the nations. (Gen 10)
God made a distinction between Israel and Egypt. (Exod 5-12)
Jesus separated between: God and man, God and mammon, God and Caesar, the kingdom of God and the world, Himself and the world, the left hand and the right hand, flesh and Spirit, earthly and heavenly, and more. (Matt 16:23, 6:24, 22:21, 6:33; John 14:27; Matt 6:3; John 3:7; Matt 6:19-20)
Jesus will separate the sheep from the goats. (Matt 25:32)
For eternity, God will separate all people into two camps. (Rev 21-22)
The church letters in Rev 2-3 are about the organized church, which went under the evil one’s control after the apostles died.
The Lord tells five of the seven churches to repent.
The Lord calls the remaining two churches the “synagogue of satan.”
To all seven churches, He speaks of overcoming. Overcome every church in every church age. Overcome the organized church.
5 repent + 2 synagogue of Satan = 7 overcome
More on this theme:
Forewarnings about the organized church / your church web page | pdf
You must first believe God, who gave the old covenant. Then go to the Son of the New Covenant and “listen to Him.” He can then open the Scriptures, when you realize that He and the Father are One. He is the One Lord God of Israel, sent by the One God of Israel. He is not “another Jesus” preached by the churches. They want to comfort you, show you what you desire, and lift you up in the world. They preach the three lusts of 1 John 2:16 and these lusts are not from the Father. They want you to hear, see, and believe them when they say Jesus loves you, you are saved, and you have wisdom and power. The self-righteous believe them and feel good. They preach “as doctrines the precepts of men.” Their “breath is in their nostrils.”
Come out. Be alone in the wilderness of the Word. Be righteous. Believe and feel God.
Come out of Egypt. (FATHER in the Old)
Come out of the synagogues and the temple. (SON in the New)
Come out of the churches. (HOLY SPIRIT in Revelation)
Come out from men. Man gets in the way. Get alone with God. One Father, One Teacher, One Leader. One Judge, One Priest, One King.
God called Abraham to leave his country, relatives, and father’s household. Abraham came out, not knowing where he was going. (Gen 12:1; Heb 11:8; Isa 42:16)
God called Israel out of Egypt, to be alone with Him in the wilderness and celebrate a feast to Him. (Exod 5:1)
People came out into the wilderness to hear the Word of the LORD God through Moses.
People came out into the wilderness to hear the Word of the Father through John the Baptist.
People came out into the wilderness to hear and see the Word of God, the Son.
To hear the Word in truth, people didn’t go to Pharisees/Sadducees or their synagogues. [today: Protestants/Catholics or their churches]
Jesus went to temple and synagogue because that’s where people who were looking for God went; but He wanted to get them away, out in the wilderness, to hear His voice.
The battle involves the three lusts: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life (1Jn 2:16). For example…
Gen 3:6, Eve – good for food (lust of the flesh), delight to the eyes (lust of the eyes), desirable to make one wise (boastful pride of life)
Jer 9:23 – mighty man (lust of the flesh), rich man (lust of the eyes), wise man (boastful pride of life)
Zech 14:12 – strike their flesh (lust of the flesh), strike their eyes (lust of the eyes), strike their tongue (boastful pride of life)
Matt 4:1-12 – turn stones to bread (lust of the flesh), showed Him kingdoms of the world (lust of the eyes), jump off temple yet won’t die (boastful pride of life)
From the beginning, God and His Word have been battling against the evil one and the three lusts. You are in the midst of this battle, whether you know it or not.
1John 2:15-17 – notice the three lusts in verse 16
Zechariah 14:12 – match the three lusts
(e.g., “flesh” = lust of the flesh, “eyes” = lust of the eyes, so “tongue” = ______ )
Genesis 3:5 – match the three lusts
Genesis 3:6 – match the three lusts
Matthew 4:1-10 – match the three lusts to the three temptations
--- 3 vs. 1
Matt 13:18-23 – match the three lusts to plucking bird, rocky, thorns
Rev 6:1-8 – match the three lusts to red, black, ashen horses
If your church hasn’t described this battle to you, why? It’s because they are preaching the three lusts to you. For example, “Focus on your family!” (lust of the flesh), “Tithe to us and receive a blessing!” (lust of the eyes), “God loves you! You’re saved!” (boastful pride of life).
You lift up your family, your friends and neighbors, and your nation. But God does not. His opinion is different. Have you dealt with it?
nations – Isaiah 40:15, 17
neighbor, friend, wife, family – Micah 7:5-6
child (daughter = dog) – Matthew 15:22-26; Mark 7:25-27
father – Matthew 8:21-22; Luke 9:59-60
mother, brothers, sisters – Matthew 12:46-50; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 8:19-21
mother – Luke 11:27-28
mother – John 2:3-4
those at home – Luke 9:61-62
family – Matthew 10:34-37
family – Luke 14:26
Repent: Change your attitude about the Word of the Father, the Old.
Be baptized: Be washed in the Word of the Father, the Old.
Wait for the Holy Spirit: Wait for the Holy Spirit for what? To believe God.
SON / New Blood Covenant and Testament
Repent: Change your attitude about the Word of the Father and the Son, both the Old and the New.
Be baptized: Be washed in the Word of the Father and the Son, both the Old and the New.
Wait for the Holy Spirit: Wait for the Holy Spirit for what? To understand the teaching of the Son, the mind of Christ. The Son also brings about a deeper level of repentance.
HOLY SPIRIT / The promise of the fulfillment of the covenant
Repent: Repent of how you treat the Spirit of God.
Be baptized: Be washed in the Word of the Spirit, both the Old and the New.
Wait for the Holy Spirit: Wait for the Holy Spirit for what? To show you what, where, when, and how to speak and do the Word of God.
In Scripture, God, who does everything by process, talks about babes, children, young men, and fathers. Some people may tell their newborn babe, “Congratulations on your doctorate received from MIT.” But God says it will take time if that’s to happen with Him. Even the Lord Himself was a babe, a child, a young man, and then a father (in the Word), and it’s still not complete.
1John 2:12-14
Hebrews 5:12-14
Galatians 4:19
1Corinthians 3:1
1Corinthians 4:15
Luke 24:25, 47 (believe the Father, not men)
Luke 24:27, 32, 45 (understand the Scriptures by the Son)
Luke 24:49 (wait for the Holy Spirit)
People can fall away during any stage of God’s growth process.
babe: Matthew 13:19; Luke 8:12
child: Luke 8:13; Matthew 18:6, 18:14
young man: Hebrews 6:4-6; Mark 4:18-19 with Hebrews 6:7-8
father: Ezekiel 18:24-26; Ezekiel 33:13, 33:17-18; 1Corinthians 9:27
And, by the way, according to the writings of Paul and others in the New Testament, this does happen in the body.
Eat Jesus’ flesh means… eat the Word of God. Yet He lost all of His hearers when He said this, because they didn’t understand the Word of God. (John 1:14; 6:51-66)
Honor your mother means… honor Jerusalem above. That’s the womb where God is, and where He sends the Spirit from, so you could be born again. (Gal 4:26)
Trees can mean… people. (Matt 7:19)
Mountains can mean… nations or kingdoms. (Isa 2:2)
Also included in God’s language: winds, wheat, land, soil, grain, seed, dust, rocks, stones, wine, table, waters, bread, fruit, etc., etc., etc., etc.
Example: Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days. (Eccl. 11:1) What do you think He’s really saying? Take the gospel/the Scriptures/the Book (bread) to the nations (waters), and then He/the Word (bread) will return.
With God, good means… Himself. God alone is good. (Luke 18:19)
With God, love means… His Word / Him giving His Word. (Jn 3:16; 1:14)
With God, love means… doing His Word. (John 14:23)
Faith means… comes by hearing the Word of God. (Rom 10:17)
Disciple means… someone abiding in the Word of God. (John 8:31)
Blessed means… those who hear the Word of God and do it. (Luke 11:28)
Brother, sister means… those who hear the Word of God and do it. (Luke 8:21)
Friend means… those who hear the Word of God and do it. (John 15:15,14)
God has important mystery stories, like this one, all throughout Scripture. Jacob’s wrestling match is about how people must wrestle with the Lord and His body – His body of work, His flesh, the Word in flesh, the Scriptures – being persistent with Him until He eventually shows mercy and the light dawns (He reveals, He teaches).
The Book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus (Rev 1:1) – do you want the revelation of Jesus or not?
The Book of Revelation is for Jesus’ bondservants (Rev 1:1) – are you His bondservant or not?
The Book of Revelation carries a blessing for those who read, hear, and heed what is written in it (Rev 1:3) – do you want the blessing or not?
The day or hour no one knows, not even the Son, concerns the day and hour when heaven and earth will pass away. (Matt 24:35-36) [happens when all enemies put underfoot; determined by Father in heaven, not Son on earth]
The day of the Lord’s return is definitely known to Him. (Zech 14:7)
The evil slave does not know when his master is coming (Matt 24:50), but the sons of light will know (1Thess 5:1-5).
God is a God who tells of the end from the beginning. (Isa 46:10)
The Lord spoke of the end times in advance, for His disciples. (Matt 24:25)
The Holy Spirit discloses “what is to come.” (John 16:13)
To fulfill His Word, He released knowledge for the printing press and then made sure His gospel (the printed Bible) went out to all nations.
To fulfill His Word, the west (the Americas) waited for His Law and did receive it.
To fulfill His Word, He removed Jews from the land of Israel, and dispersed them among the nations, because of their disobedience.
To fulfill His Word, He has regathered them to the land.
To fulfill His Word, He rebirthed the nation Israel. (1948)
To fulfill His Word, He put Jerusalem back under Jewish authority. (1967)
To fulfill His Word, He has made Jerusalem “a cup that causes reeling.” (Zech 12:2)
To fulfill His Word, He released the knowledge for atomic warfare (6th seal), and military weaponry such as helicopters (5th trumpet) and tanks (6th trumpet).
To fulfill His Word, He is releasing more knowledge in medicine. (5th trumpet)
To edify His Word, He released the knowledge for anesthesia (Adam put to sleep before surgery), cloning (Eve made from Adam’s rib), in vitro fertilization (virgin birth), robotics and telecommunications (His throne room), etc.
God has dealt with mankind from the beginning, taking on visible forms as He pleases. He can speak from a burning bush, appear as a regular man, or be in a glorified state. It wasn’t even too difficult for Him to be born of a woman, born under the Law, born in Bethlehem as a baby who grows into a man.
Which form is He?
Genesis 3:8
As a man:
Genesis 18:1-2, 22, 33
Genesis 32:24-30
Joshua 5:13-15
In a glorified state:
Exodus 24:10-11, 17
Ezekiel 1:26-28
Daniel 7:9-10 (compare to Revelation 1:14-16)