
Themes / Truth you won’t hear in church…

What if there’s more to the Word of God than you know? Something might happen with God if you wrestle with these themes in His Word.

We recommend you read the New American Standard Bible [NASB] (1977 version or older) or the King James Version [KJV]. These seem to be the least scarred by men.



  1. INTRO
  2. FATHER FIRST presentation


  1. INTRO
  2. God’s definitions
  3. God’s Revelation language
  4. Jesus speaking in tongues: His tough statements that you must deal with…
  5. The Ten Commandments – The Mind of Christ
  6. Jesus said to eat His flesh and drink His blood?
  7. eat His flesh, drink His blood
  8. Jacob’s wrestling match


  1. INTRO
  2. What Is Life All About? SEPARATION — ALONE WITH GOD
  3. REPENT = ??? web page | pdf
  4. God tells you who He is
  5. Why Are You Listening to Man? (God vs. man)
  6. Quiz — flesh or Spirit?
  7. Levels – Introduction
  8. From the very beginning…
  9. Believer Test - What many say vs. what God’s Word says…
  10. God vs. the church - What the church says vs. what God’s Word says…
  11. Separation: Two Camps - long article


  1. INTRO
  2. Forewarnings about the organized church / your church web page | pdf
  3. Test your church
  4. Why everyone must overcome the churches (Rev 2-3)
  5. So-called “Christians” and so-called “Jews”: Both are wrong
  6. The Ten Commandments vs. the Church
  7. A letter to the organized church with help from the Book of Malachi
  8. The marketplace of fools
  9. When Jesus walked the earth…
  10. Today is like the time of Jesus
  11. Beware of church-speak
  12. Separation: Two Camps - long article
  13. Believer Test - What many say vs. what God’s Word says…
  14. God vs. the church - What the church says vs. what God’s Word says…
  15. The Father and The Son vs. the church
  16. men’s teachings


  1. INTRO
  2. What Is Life All About? SEPARATION — ALONE WITH GOD
  3. REPENT = ??? web page | pdf
  4. Why Are You Listening to Man? (God vs. man)
  5. God’s first move: Bring people out



  1. INTRO
  2. WHITE HORSE (see top of homepage)
  3. One Teacher Scriptures web page | pdf
  4. God’s Teaching of His Word web page | pdf
  5. DO THE WORD web page | pdf
  6. The One and Only Book
  7. Bible Mysteries & Miracles
  9. The Father is Spirit and greater…
  10. The Word of God means everything to Him… (incredible Scriptures)
  11. Do you know the mystery of His Name?
  12. Is the Bible your gospel?
  13. The Right Things to Do Right Now
  14. Moses and the Prophets: themes by chapter
  15. The Write to Life…
  16. God Writes
  17. Mysteries: God’s Definitions
  18. Mysteries: Genesis
  19. Mysteries: Exodus
  20. Mysteries: Leviticus
  21. Go to the Word of God
  22. Change your attitude regarding the Word of God
  23. Importance of the Word of God
  24. the new covenant
  25. God is the Author
  26. The Old and New Covenant (66 books)


  1. INTRO
  2. What Is Life All About? THE BATTLE OVER THE WORD OF GOD
  3. 2 Trees, 3 Lusts, 4 Horses, 1 Parable — Do you recognize the battle over the Word of God?
  4. God & Word vs. evil one & three lusts
  5. God vs. family, friend, nation
  6. Chart showing the 3 vs. One battle
  7. Parable of sower chart
  8. The Battle - long article


  1. INTRO
  2. What Is Life All About? BABE TO SALVATION
  3. REPENT = ??? web page | pdf
  4. Growth Process: FATHER FIRST (presentation)
  5. Growth Process: MIND OF CHRIST (presentation)
  6. God has a process…
  7. babes, children, young men, fathers
  8. How can you think you don’t need to repent?
  9. Growth Process - long article
  10. falling away
  11. Do you care about God at all?
  12. Is He finished?

The Word of God – What’s in a Name

Chicken or egg? Do you know?



  1. INTRO
  2. Miracles of Passover — Do You Care? web page | pdf
  3. The Lord’s Appointed Times
  4. What does the Lord think about His appointed feast days?
  5. The Feasts: Moses Wrote of Jesus


  1. INTRO
  2. WHITE HORSE (see top of homepage)
  3. Brief Warnings for These Times web page | pdf
  4. Hamon-Gog: God’s Symmetry web page | pdf
  5. From Hamon-Gog to Armageddon
  6. End Times Alert 2024
  7. End Times 2023
  8. HORSES, SWORDS, AND WAR! THIS DECADE!!! web page | pdf
  9. Why should you care about the Four Horses and Hamon-Gog? (2023)
  10. What On Earth Is Going On? (2023)
  11. End Times Alert, 2022 (5 pgs)
  12. World War Is Coming! What should you know? What should you do? (multi-themed presentation, 2022)
  13. End Times Visual Guide, 2021 (17 pgs)
  14. GLOBAL WARNING!!! (2021)
  15. The Lord God of Israel / the wrathful Lamb
  16. Passover and the Coronavirus
  17. Are these really “uncertain times”? (2020)
  18. End Times - long article
  19. Revelation letters to churches
  20. Be on the alert!
  21. End times alert: Battle of Hamon-gog / Sixth Seal (2016)
  22. Simple Guide: Book of Revelation
  23. Time is short
  24. What God Has Done & Will Do web page | pdf
  25. “No one knows”
  26. The Battle of Hamon-gog
  27. “Rapture” is wrong
  28. End Times - long article, older


  1. INTRO
  2. Israel Miracles web page | pdf
  3. What God Has Done & Will Do web page | pdf
  4. His appearances in the Old

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